Global Warming

Global warming is the temperature of the surface of earth getting warmer because of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide that are in the air. Carbon dioxide and some other gases warm the planet by trapping heat that would of got out of the earth. The earth´s normal temperature has got higher in the fastest time in history over 50 years. Burning fossil fuels makes a lot of carbon dioxide that goes into the air.

Other effects of global warming are melting glaciers, droughts, fires, rising sea levels, heatwaves, spread of disease, flooding, plants and animals could become extinct and allergies can become more common.

Some good things about global warming are that there will be warmer winters so less people would die, it will help plants grow and heating for houses and buildings would cost less.

Other facts about global warming:

Scientists say that the world’s normal temperature will rise between 1.4 – 5.8°C and sea levels will rise between 7-23 inches by 2100.

Sea levels have risen 7 inches in the last 100 years and that’s more than the last 2000 put together.

More than 1 million different species have become extinct because of global warming

70 million tons of carbon dioxide is released into the air every day


One thought on “Global Warming

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